
Learn how to Inspect a Wood Burning Fireplace and Chimney – Pruning Automation


If you own a glass firescreen, you should look for cracks or flaws within the glass. Check that they are able to can be closed and opened smoothly. Check that the sparkscreen is moving smoothly when you open and close it. It is recommended to have a grate for logs on fireplaces. Install a grate if don’t have one.

After cleaning, inspect the fireplace for any cracks. Make sure to remove any wood, carpet or furniture flooring to a minimum of 16 inches from the fireplace.

Check the fire box for creosote build-up. If the creosote isn’t removed with a chimney sweep, the creosote might cause spark. The damper’s door must open easily and close completely. Examine the flue for cracks or creosote accumulation.

Then, walk outside and examine the chimney to see the flashing and bricks are missing. It is possible that you need to climb onto the roof to check and see if the cap is in place and the chimney is clear of debris. A black-colored residue could be seen between bricks, which could suggest that creosote is leaking into the chimney. Contact a chimney sweep when you find the black residue.


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